domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

Amor Fati

Even suffering and loss is good.

Amor Fati is an attitude in which one sees all the events of one 's life including pain, frustration and suffering as good things. I stumble upon this way of thinking several months ago, I was going throught a Nietzche-Stage at the time.

So yeah, I remember that I read about this school of thought or attitude if you wanna call it like that, and I thought it was just the most wise thing I had ever read in my life, and I'm still thinking that, I mean the concept of just accepting your existence and embrace whatever may come to you is such a powerful idea.

Enjoy, experience, observe, learn and most importantly embrace what has happened to you, because it has happened to you, existence is a really mysterious thing and you don't know if it's going to repeat itself, you don't know when it's going to end, and you don't know what will happen after that, so you might as well enjoy what's going on.

As Manny Calavera once said:

[caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="300" caption=""You know, sweetheart, if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: nobody knows what's gonna happen at the end of the line, so you might as well enjoy the trip.""][/caption]

But now it comes the other side of the coin, there have been many people who criticize the idea of Amor Fati by saying is just another justification for conformity.

Ok, I agree that the idea itself draws from a really conformist point of view, but I think many people misunderstood the concept.

Is not about just accepting what has happen and that's it, it's about accepting what has happen to you and moving on.

Get it MOVING ON, something happen to you, you accept it, and you move on, you don't stay in this stationary stage that conformity is all about, because you move on to the "okay what will happen next".

As Church from Red Vs Blue once said

[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="206" caption=""You know what Caboose, I learn something: It doesn't matter how bad things may seem, they can't be any better, they can't be any worse, because that's the way things fucking are, so you better get used to it Nancy, Quit your bitching""][/caption]

Wow can you belive that I'm actually pulling out deep philosophical and realistic quotes from video games and machinima series?, I guess true art and philosophy have really change this few years.

I know that there's so many people who have live so many tragedies, that are living in so much suffering, yes I know the world is not fair, but once again who said it such be?

If you have lived a really horrible event of your life and you're thinking this is all bullshit, that's complete fine, If I was in your shoes I think I would also think that, but if you decide to embrace this attitude, you'll become really strong and just another think, always remember: Life is too fucking short and on top of that time fucking flies.

I think that the only way that Amor Fati could work at it's best potential is if you have  make a plan. We all have a goal, a dream, a plan, a duty or whatever you may wanna call it. It doesn't have to be specific, it can be as vague and as abrstract as you want (I think it works better in this way) You have to set a finishing point, you have to set a direction to where are you going, so you can start you trip, and in that trip, whatever happens to you, is going to be fine, if you encounter a wall, tear it down, if you can't, maybe you can find another way, if you can't either maybe you can change you direction completely, do what everything you want, the point is to keep moving and accept what happens to you while you move.

jueves, 30 de junio de 2011

Generation Y : What's the Deal With Us?

So, I don't know what's the deal with us Generation Y, we are really some strange fuckers, I mean yea we are cool we have technology we know how to use this gigantic web of communication, but that's pretty much it, our only value, our only characteristic is in a really superficial way, we have the greatest communication tool ever develop by mankind, and we use it to check our status on Facebook. Really that's all we do.

Just check this out:

The Silent Generation, well they were really ignorant but they survive a lot of stuff and they went through a lot, they were loyal and they stick to their principals, that could be annoying for some people, but for me is admirable.

[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignnone" width="236"] Boy, they look like they're having fun[/caption]

Baby Boomers, they just live some of the greatest revolutions of modern mankind, had the greatest music ever, watched the man land on the moon (okay I don't wanna get in any controversy here, whether we did or we did not land on the moon that day I personally don't care, I just figure that it must had been really cool and exciting watching that on Tv with your friends and family... I guess is better than watching two giants buildings been completely destroyed). Most of the Baby Boomers we know are our parents, my parents are like really responsable and conservative now, but they seem to had a real blast when they were young back in the day.

[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="300"] BOY, THEY LOOK LIKE THEY'RE HAVING FUN[/caption]

Then it came Generation X, you know, they were cool, or at least they tried to, naaaaaah just kidding, yes they were really cool and very independent, they really didn't care about world ideals or anything, they just live for themselves  and the ones close to them, and that's really admirable to, I wish I could do that, free and independent.

[caption id="attachment_127" align="alignnone" width="300"] Okay, you all know that is impossible to talk about Gen X without mentioning Friends so here it is[/caption]

So then we, Generation Y appeared, and we are... I don't know, by my experience I don't know how to define our attitudes, I guess we are just... regular whinning teenagers with technology, and that's pretty much it.

[caption id="attachment_128" align="alignnone" width="300"] Okay, you all know that is impossible to talk about Gen Y without mentioning Facebook so here it is, man... this is truly the most representative thing that I could find about us[/caption]

I guess we try to be like Gen X, we try to be like free and independent but we fail miserably. I don't know anybody from 20 to 25 who lives alone and by himself, everybody still lives with their parents, and I don't know anybody from that same age who works in a job that he got by himself alone without any help from his parents or another adult person. I really didn't knew how to stereotypically define us, so I look up on the internet to see how was our stereotype or what is expected from us.

And oh boy, did I find our stereotype, here it is:

[caption id="attachment_120" align="alignnone" width="228"] tataaaaaaa...... wait a minute, WHAT THE HELL?[/caption]


Yes, that's how they see us, I'm not kidding, future young Messiah's of the world, I was really amazed by the overwhelming optimism that society has on us, we are like this new wave of idealistic social revolution for them. I was really amazed by that because I really didn't expect it. I thought than when I type the words Generation Y on Google, it was just going to appear what good 'ol Spider Jerusalem describes as the New Scum.

[caption id="attachment_123" align="alignnone" width="194"] "These are the new streets of this city, where the New Scum try to live. You and me"[/caption]

But no, we are like the complete opposite of that, I just can't believe it. They expect that we will bring this new ideal to the world, that we will create the definitive ideal society that will change everything.  Entrepeneur fuckers that will lead the way.

I don't know, I'm really skeptical about this, I mean of course technology, business, media communications and all that changes trough out the years, but the world is pretty much the same, not because you use more technology than you grandfather it means that you are smarter or better than him, its stupid, Technology doesn't change people's attitudes, it just changes a few aspects of how they live and that's all.

Maybe that idealistic revolution will happen, it's really probable, but I don't see it happening right now, it will take years for that to happen.

I mean, all my friends and all the people who I know are my age, they don't care about anything of that, they just want to live their lives and that's it, pretty much like Gen X, and you are telling me that we will bring this absolute new ideal that will change future generations... You know I really wanna think that but I just don't see it happening.

And what about Generation Z

[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignnone" width="300"] Well let's see, 5 year olds already hook up with laptops... man that's some sad shit[/caption]

I'm sorry if I sound to pessimistic here, but what I'm really trying to say is that please don't be disappointed at the end of the day when it turns out that we really didn't do anything significant in our time.


viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Analyzing Darren Aronofsky's Films

"Mathematics is the language of nature, everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers, if you graph these numbers patterns emerge, therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature"

- Pi

Fitting quote for the theme of this post.

I have re watch all of Darren Aronofsky's films once again, without any doubt he is one of the most talented directors of this generation, all of his films are memorable, his writing and story-telling is crushing, devastating and beautiful and not so many films today can generate those kind of feelings in such a way.

[caption id="attachment_112" align="alignnone" width="298"] "In the end it's all nice"[/caption]

But I will not review every single of Aronosfky's films, I will discuss about his style, his unique filming techniques and (as you have may read on the quote on top) I have re watch all of his films, and I have found that in all of them, patterns emerge, both technically and conceptually.

First of all, you have to agree with me, all of Aronofsky's films have a really claustrophobic nature, all of them are truly and deeply centered in his main characters and everything that they're going trough, you only see the film trough their eyes, and most of them, are extremely alone characters, either that or are extremely obsess with something.

Max with the number (Pi). Harry, Marion and Tyrone well... with drugs, Sara Goldfard with her appearance in that TV Show and her weight loss that ultimately drives her into insanity (Requiem For A Dream). Tom with finding the cure of death (The Fountain). Randy with his golden days of wrestling (The Wrestler). Nina with her dark role in Swan Lake (Black Swan).

[caption id="attachment_91" align="alignnone" width="300"] "If the number's there I'll find it!"[/caption]

All of the characters are desperate and in need of something, in all films we can explore all the consequences of their obsessions, but never them actually trying to overcome this obsession. Except in The Wrestler.

[caption id="attachment_93" align="alignnone" width="300"] The Ram in probably the last moments of his life[/caption]

In The Wrestler, Randy is the only main character who tries to overcome his obsession and leaving it behind, at the moment when his doctor tells him he can't wrestle anymore. He struggles to find a new job, tries to reunite with his daughter and set a normal life, although he sadly fails, is the only of Aronofosky's character that we see in this transition.

Although many people have made the comparison between the similarities of The Wrestler and Black Swan (both dealing about the life of a performer) this two films, explore the same concept in drastically different ways, The Wrestler in a more personal, introspective and realistic way and Black Swan in a more metaphysical, philosophical and allegorical style.

And besides of that, the protagonist of this two films are really different and they really don't have a lot in common. Were I can see a truly similarity is between Nina Sayers (Black Swan) and Sara Goldfarb (Requiem For A Dream)

[caption id="attachment_95" align="alignnone" width="300"] Aronofsky's Princess[/caption]

Seriously, these characters are almost the same person. They are both shy and lonely women, not really confident about themselves and suddenly this huge opportunity is presented in front of them, they don't know how to deal with this huge opportunity, they try their best but end up obsessing with it, until that obsession drives them into complete self-destruction.

I know that obsession is a theme in pretty much all of Aronofsky's film, but in this case, Sara and Nina's insanity is manifested in similar metaphysical and surrealistic ways.

[caption id="attachment_99" align="alignnone" width="300"] Nina with the whole "WTF I'm turning into a fucking swan" thing[/caption]

Of course Nina with the Swan transformation but not only that, also with the whole Lily imaginary counterpart and the surreal scene we see when she enters her room and watches all the drawings talking.

[caption id="attachment_100" align="alignnone" width="300"] And Sara's Fridge[/caption]

And in the other hand, we have Sara with her terrifying fridge and not only that, the TV also starts tormenting her when the characters of the TV show come to life and throw a party in her house, completely humiliating the poor woman.

So yea, one of them just wanted to be on a TV show and the other just wanted to be perfect, is that too much to ask?

Other couple of characters that are really alike are Max (Pi) and Tommy (The Fountain) both scientist trying to reach something impossible and finally they realize at the end that some aspects of the world or some aspects of nature can't be changed or controlled.

[caption id="attachment_109" align="alignnone" width="300"] "When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six, I did, my pupils shrunk to pinholes and everything came into focus and for a moment I understood."[/caption]

Okay so, moving on in more technical ways:

My brother actually was the one who made me realize this: in every one of Aronofsky's films, there's a transition shot or camera angle that is heavily use trough the entire film.

Don't believe me? OK

We have the constant fade to white transition that it is used in Pi, mostly in the end of a surrealistic or crazy scene. We have the famous hip-hop montage/transition used in Requiem For A Dream every time the characters sells or consumes drugs (this technique is also use in Pi, but Requiem really exploits it).

in The Fountain we have the constant above shot

[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="300"] Really cool shot[/caption]

And in The Wrestler and Black Swan, we have the constant following from behind-shot

[caption id="attachment_105" align="alignnone" width="300"] I couldn't find an image of Black Swan, but you can see the shot on the trailer in 0:41 and 1:19[/caption]

Also another thing, in Black Swan the fade to white transition it's also use several times.

Getting back to a more conceptual area, I also realize another thing about most of the protagonist of the films: They all have some kind of really horrible condition that is either killing them or causing them a lot of pain, and all of them end up ignoring that condition causing some really horrible damage at the end.

[caption id="attachment_107" align="alignnone" width="300"] "SHIIIT Harry, since how long you have that?"[/caption]

So well in Pi we have the "brain tumor" or something... that ends up been the physical manifestation of the number and is killing Max from the very inside. In Requiem For A Dream, Harry has... that thing that makes him lose his arm in the end, in The Wrestler we have Ram's heart condition and in Black Swan we have the scratches and scars from Nina on her back, fingers and toes.

[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignnone" width="300"] Max is the only one who takes drastic measures as you can see[/caption]

So yea, all of the films have a lot of aspects in common and I like that, I like when a director or writer or musician or artist tries to create his own style and repeats some things here and there, of course an artist most reinvent his work, but having your own style is as important.

And if you haven't watch any of Aronofsky's films or if you haven't watch all of them, please do, he's work is easily one of the best cinema of this years, and also he always work with the genius composer Clint Mansell making every soundtrack profound and epic. For me Aronofsky has perfected what some people call "Modern Tragedy" and.... GO WATCH HIS FILMS.

[caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="300"] Juice by Darren juice by Darren Ohhhhh Darren's got juice Darren's got juice[/caption]

So yea that's all, and thanks for reading :D

Have a nice day

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Dream Theater: Mike Mangini and Thoughts for the New Album

So Mangini is the new drummer of DT, and honestly I think is easily the best choice, Mangini writes and develops his music in a very similar way than DT does,  so is going to be interesting hearing them with this new member. Of course Portnoy will be miss, and I'm pretty sure that is going to be a little weird at the beginning to listen to Dream Theater without Portnoy, but, hey, he made his choice, so what can you do about it, huh?.

[caption id="attachment_79" align="alignnone" width="300" caption=""The Mikes""][/caption]

And a part of myself feels that they really needed this change, I mean, let's face it, DT was completely stuck in this last few albums, Systematic Chaos, I personally didn't like it, I mean it was OK, but just OK, and c'mon this is Dream Theater you expect more than just another OK album. The follow-up was Black Clouds & Silver Linings, the first time that I listen to it, I thought it was really Great, but then, I listen to it a few more times, and I realize that ... it was just another OK album xD.

I mean, "A Nightmare To Remember", was OK, especially the slow harmonic part, but my GOD, why does Portnoy have to sing?, his singing really didn't bother me before, but in this song, is completely horrible "Day after day and Night after night..." WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT?,

so yea, in conclusion, it is just another OK DT song.

"A Rite Of Passage" didn't like it, the lyrics are horrible, and Petrucci's guitar is surprisingly forgettable. "Wither" Great Song. "The Best Of Times" cool song, a little repetitive, but cool after all. "The Shattered Fortress"... I really don't know what to think about this song, is just all the other AA Suite Songs putted together and that's it. "The Count Of Tuscany" really cool epic,  especially the beginning and the end, but I really didn't like the middle part or the lyrics, but the instrumental section is really cool.

So yea... an OK album.

At that moment, I was really convinced that, DT was never going to release another huge masterpiece like I&W or Scenes, and then I finally realize: "They don't need to make a new masterpiece, they are already at the top of the world, they no longer need to prove anything to anyone so, I guess, they are going to continue making some cool solid music (OK albums), until they retire... I mean that's OK... why not?"

But then Portnoy left, DT was completely upside down, so many people died, and they had to start from the beginning all over again. Dream Theater "The Gods Of Progressive Metal" were in a real crisis.

But they have found a new cool drummer, and already finishing the new album (I hope, I mean is already May and they have not made any kind of anouncement). And I don't know, I have a really good feeling about this album, I think is really possible, that they're going to realize that "huge masterpiece" that I thought it was never gonna happen. You maybe think that I'm exaggerating, but if I have learned something from DT, is that they work at its maximum potential when they are going trough a crisis.

Just look at what they did after they let Dominici go, and after their first album wasn't so succesful

And just look at what they did after they let Derek go, and after having so much trouble with their old producers and record labels, and after releasing their worst album and after having suffer so many shitty years performing in clubs.

So yeah two of the greatest progressive rock/metal albums of all time, EAT THAT SCKEPTICS.

So let's hope history repeats itself.

It's funny because I never thought that Portnoy was ever going to leave DT EVER, if I had to number which members I thought were going to leave DT in the future, would have been:

1) First Labrie,

2) Then Myung,

3) Then Rudess,

4) Then Petrucci,

5) And at last Portnoy

But just look at that, the future is a complete mystery.

So that's all, thanks for reading, and post your list of " Chronologically: Who members would you have thought were going to leave DT in the future"

Be Seeing You

viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

6 Questions That Any Christian Should Be Able To Answer

10:37 Posted by EmanuelOBHT 27 comments
1.-Which parts of the Bible do you believe in, exactly?

2.- If we ignored Leviticus, why don't we ignore all the books altogether?

3.- Did Jesus Christ cleaned up all of these other books?, if he did, tell me specifically which parts of the Bible are Ok.

4.- (Watch the video in the bottom) Do you realize that with that kind of conformist philosophy none of the independence movements that had happened trough out history would have happened?

5.- (Watch the video in the bottom)  Where exactly it is said that you should report them to the authorities?

6.- Haven't you thought that maybe the entire Bible wasn't meant for us but for the ancient people of Israel?

[caption id="attachment_290" align="alignnone" width="300"] Ok, you'll hear them but... will you answer them?[/caption]

Today I want to talk about religion.

I'm not a religious person in any way , but religion has been something that I have been really interested, specially the tremendous psychological power that it has. I have been expose to some much atheistic media recently  but  despite of that I have never consider myself an atheist, there was a time that I considered myself an agnostic, but if you start to think about it, WE ALL ARE AGNOSTICS!!!

I don't consider myself an atheist either, because: "An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a God or rejects the idea of a God or Gods".

And my perennial question is: What the hell is a God?, I mean, God is one of the most relative, allegorical and formless terms that I have encounter. At the end of the day, God is just a flying term that can be use to describe a lot of things like: nature, peace, harmony, perfection, happiness, etc. For me God is just a vague, formless and relative concept that can acquire the meaning that anyone wants to give it.  So by that definition, I cannot say that I don't believe in a concept that can acquire multiple meanings.

It's a relative concept, it has a religious connotation of course, but it's a relative concept.

But that's just for the idea of a God, I not getting inside any religious stuff yet, I was just talking about my views on basic theology.

But if you ask me: Do you believe in Yahweh?

I'm going to say: Of course not! I reject that God and everything that he stands for!!!

I like atheist... to some degree. I sympathize with them, and there's a statement that they always made that I find it extremely interesting: "Religion and religious people are dangerous" ... and... as far as Catholics and Christians go, I think that's a complete YES!!!

The religion, the philosophy and the values that those religions stands for are extremely regressive, oppressive and dangerous.

But chill out!, if you claim to be a religious person and if you're about to close this blog,  HANG ON A LITTLE BIT!  and just read the next sentence: Most people who claim to be religious, are not religious at all!!!

What makes you a religious person?

... believing in God!

Not exactly, believing in a God makes you a Theist but it doesn't precisely makes you a religious person.

To be a religious person you must accept a pre-formulated religion and follow it, that's what makes you a religious person. What is a religious person? Someone who follows a religion, that's the true answer.

And just be honest with yourself, do you really follow the religion that you  supposedly practice?, to be a religious person, you must accept everything that your religion says and follow it, do you do that? Do you even know what your religion says and which are the values that your religion stands for?

For the majority of suppose "religious people" who I know, that's a complete NO!!!

I remember the other night I was about to get into a religious debate with my girlfriend's mom(who is really really "religious") about Catholicism, and she didn't even knew that her God was name Yahweh!!! , when I realized that she didn't even knew the basics about her own religion, I just changed the subject.

But yeah, that's the case of a lot of people, that's the case of the majority of supposedly religious people. They don't know their own religion! They have never truly read the bible! They have never do research of what their religion is about!, and that just kills me!

Going to church all Sundays does not make you a religious person. Knowing your religion, accepting your religion and following your religion is what makes you a religious person. If you just go to Church all Sundays for trying to be religious, you're not religious, you're a tourist, you're a wannabe.

So after all that I've just said: Do you still consider yourself a religious person?

If you answer is yes, if you claim to truly know your religion, accept your religion and follow your religion, then I'm in luck because I need your help:

This is a video that I made a few months ago, it was a video that I made for Mr.MinistryMan (if you don't know him, he's like a christian missionary YouTube personality), in this video I challenge his religion by just asking seven simple questions about Christianity and the Bible, this are questions that I'm really interested about and I guess they're simple and basics questions that any Christian or Catholic should be able to answer, sadly Mr.MinistryMan never answered my questions, maybe you should be able to answer them, as matter fact you must be able to answer them since you're a true Christian or a true Catholics, you should be able to answer these 7 ridiculous simple questions:

Now if you cannot answer these amazingly simple questions regarding your religion, I guess you are not truly a religious person.

But you know something, that's completely fine because what most religious people don't seem to realize is that: There's 2 types of ways in believing in God.

The religious way and the philosophical way. And people don't seem to know the difference and they end up mixing them all together.

I already explained what does it means to be religious and what does it means believing in God in a religious way.

But what does it means to believe in God in a philosophical way: It's just believing in the concept of God, saying: yeah sure, there's got to be a God out somewhere, I don't know what my religious says or which are the values that it stands for, but yeah there's got to be a God.

If you think that this second description suits you better, you're not a religious person, you just believe in a concept of God that is truly independent of your religion, you are a Theist. You believe in a God but you really don't follow your religion, that's what it means to believe in God in a philosophical way.

You believe in the notion of a God, not in a religion.

Now, if you want to try to pull out the next card: "I'm religious, I don't know much about my religion or the values that it preaches but I believe in that religious God and at the end of the day that's all that matters"

Okay, you don't really follow your religion, you don't really follow their values, you don't really know your religion, you just believe in the notion of a God... can you explain the difference between you and my concept of philosophical believe that I just explain?

You're just believe in God the way you want, and my final point is: If you're already believing in God the way you want, do society a favor and at least believe in a God that is not racist, anti-tolerant, oppressive, jealous, arrogant, superficial and homicidal.

And that's it, if you think that you're a true Christian or a true Catholic then answer me the questions that are presented in the video.

Anyway a really cool YouTube user name KurtzGMSD messaged me and he told about two particular books name

"Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament" By Peter Enns

and "Slaves, Women, and Homosexuality: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis" By William Webb

He says that these books address some of my concerns without taking a fundamentalist approach, I will check them out and I'll tell you all about it.

In the meantime, is there a Christian or Catholic that can answer the questions that I present in my video?

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Presunto Culpable: Hasta para quitar una pelicula el gobierno esta bien pendejo

"Chingarnos al sistema" a como me caga tanto esa frase, no por el mensaje que contiene, si no por las personas que la usan, personas que repentinamente se la quieren dar de "Revolucionarios Romanticistas" en busca de un pais mejor, cuando en realidad solo siguen a los demas y repiten frases que otro cabron dijo, exactamente como lo hacen las personas que existen en ese dichoso sistema que tanto odian. Pero bien, antes de todo analizemos bien la frase, chingarnos al sistema que nos quiere dar a entender esto? derrocar un sistema fallido o cambiarlo?

Para algunas personas estas dos opciones no tendran diferencia alguna, pero hay un mar de diferencias. Para los corderos revolucionarios "Chingarse al Sistema" implica levantarse en una oposicion (violenta probablemente) en contra del Sistema Gubernamental esperando derrocarlo e impartir uno nuevo y mejor. Esto puede escucharse muy guerrero y epico pero ¿funcionara?, Levantamos una revolucion contra los españoles, levantamos una revolucion contra los franceses, levantamos una revlolucion contra los americanos, levantamos una revolucion contra nosostros mismos y estas han funcionado?. Pues no mucho, no importa cuanta gente matemos, cuanta gente muera, este metodo simplemente sigue dandonos los mismos resultados, seguimos siendo oprimidos, controlados, juzgados y condicionados bajo un sistema.

¿Saben Por Que?

Por que esa es la tarea de un sistema, un sistema se hace cargo que todo este controlado y en orden, que todos sigan al que tengan que seguir, que informacion compremetedora o "peligorsa" nunca salga a la luz, que compres lo que el pais necesite que compres. Esto se puede escuchar muy Orwelliano pero es la verdad, y otra cosa, el sistema no puede ser chingado, no puede ser derrocado, por que mientras exista una sociedad y una economia, un sistema siempre existira, el precio de la civilizacion es una pequeña gran porcion de tu individualidad.

Ahora ya aprendimos que un sistema siempre va exisitir y siempre tratara de controlarlo todo, pero la verdadera pregunta es: ¿Que tan culeras son las personas que ejecutan el sistema?

"Culpable hasta que se demuestre su inocencia" ... bastante culeras.

Presunto Culpable es un documental que narra el procesamiento judicial de Antonio Zuñiga al haber sido acusado de homicido y a pesar de tener todas las pruebas y evidencias logicas a su favor para comprobar su obvia inocencia, la corte falla en su contra y es sentenciado a 20 años en prision.

Hablando filmicamente el documental tiene una excelente calidad y una edicion casi perfecta, pero eso lo hare de un lado.  A pesar de ser un documental excelente es un perfecto vinocular que nos ayuda a ver las lamentables y horribles fallas del Sistema Judicial Mexicano,  y los efectos que causan en un individuo, una familia e inevitablemente en una sociedad.

Y todo esto lo podemos ver en la comodidad de un Cine.

Son sorprendentes los datos y estadisticas que se nos presentan cuando vemos el documental. Es inevitable que el publico generen odio, enojo y verguenza pero creo que lanzan estos sentimientos hacia algo equivocado: "las leyes". Mientras veia el documental, en una parte una familiar de Antonio dice: "¿Por que las leyes no las hacen bien?" a lo que mi hermano dijo: "Las leyes estan bien hechas, son los jueces los que son unos pendejos" y esto es completamente verdad. No odien a las leyes, las leyes de la Constitucion de Mexico son casi perfectas, no me creen, leanla, lean la constitucion de 1917 y se daran cuenta de que son los articulos, garantias y leyes mejor diseñadas que veran en su vida. Las personas que la aplican son una historia completamente diferente.

Pero es hasta ironico que la ineptitud de los jueces, policias y encargados de los sistemas judiciales en realidad no son nada mas que el reflejo de nuestra misma sociedad y de nuestras mismas actitudes, nosotros nos castigamos a nosotros mismo por las ineptitudes, pereza e ingnorancia a las que nosotros nos hemos comformado. Una horrible entidad que se auto-castiga a si misma por lo horrible que es, algo bastante hermoso.

Pero la ineptitud no se detiene ahi.

El dia de ayer, el documental fue removido de las salas de cine de la nacion, ya que Victor Manuel Reyes Bravo (primo de la victima asesinada del documental) realizo una demanda judicial a esta, justificando que el argumento de la aparicion en el documental a afectado su imagen, honor y sus intereses personales.

Y si claro, quitan una pelicula mexicana que a generado una de las mejores taquillas en la historia solo por que el primo se fue a quejar, para empezar el documental no violo ninguna de sus garantias ni derechos, por que las partes en donde es grabado, es en el ministerio publico, y tu puedes grabar lo que quieras ahi por que es (como su nombre lo dice)  publico, hubiesen cometido un delito si lo hubieran documentado en su hogar pero ese no fue el caso.

Para que nos hacemos pendejos, el gobierno quito la pelicula por que afectaba seriamente la reputacion de los funcionarios del sistema judicial y ya... pero que pendejos son me cae de madre.

Hasta para detener un docuemental son unos pendejos, al remover el documental de las salas de cine, lo unico que estan haciendo es promover el documental aun mas. La gente sabra que fue removido por que expuso las verdades del sistema judical y les dolio y con mas razon la gente lo vera, MORBO, amamos el pinche morbo y ahuevo que la gente lo va a ver.  En que pinche era el gobierno cree que estamos, ¿realmente creen que por quitar una pelicula del cine ya nadie la va a ver jamas?  ¿en que años creen que estamos, 1920?

Estamos en la era de la informacion y gracias a dios, todos poseemos en nuestro alcanze la mayor y mas grande herramiento que la era de la informacion jamas pudo a ver creado:


Se que esto va en contra del deseo del mismisimo director del docuemental, pero la gente necesita ver eso y chinge su madre yo amo la pirateria.

Eso es todo y recuerden: El sistema no puede ser chingado, por que si lo chingamos, nos chingamos a nosotros mismos por que todos somos parte de el. Esto no es el problema, el sistema no es el problema, si no toda la sociedad que esta atras de el, esa sociedad no podemos chingarla, pero tal vez, en futuro increiblemente improvable, cambiarla.............................................. jaja oyesamamada.

Bueno eso es todo, Gracias.

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

The Best Progressive Rock Album of the Decade

In this post I'm reviewing an album that I seriously consider to be the greatest progressive rock album of this past decade (2000 - 2009), I don't claim to know every single prog rock album released in this past 10 years, but I have listen to many and I think this the one.

Progressive Rock emerge in the end of the 60's and beginnings and first half of the 70's, since then Prog went pretty much underground and that's how we like it. Over the years, since its "Fall" Prog Rock has been adapted to a lot of other genres, such as Jazz, Fusion, Experimental and especially Metal. I consider Progressive Metal to be the greatest gateway to future generations to get in to Progressive Rock.

I love Progressive Rock, because is such an adaptable style of music, you can mix it everything Symphonic Music, Jazz, Techno, Metal (every subgenre of it), Pop, Experimental, Canterbury, Avant RIO, Latin Music, EVERYTHING. Is such and adaptable and experimental style. And makes it more powerful because the more it grows the more genres it has and the more experimental it gets. It just absorbs and grows and grows and grows, its crazy and beautiful.

In this last decade Prog Rock really emerge once again since its hiatus in the 80's (well Neo-Prog took its place, but Neo-Porg just wasn't the same). Progressive Metal emerged in the 90's with such bands as Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Queensryche, Pain Of Salvation and more. And I think that helped Prog Rock to emerge once again in the 2000's.

Now lets talk about this New Wave of Progressive Rock (2000's and forward) what I like the most of the new bands is that they all know and respect the classic 70's feel of Prog Rock and convine it with their own style or other styles making their music and the genre evolve at the same time.

The main bands of the NWOPR (yea that's right NWOPR!!!!) would be Phideux, Beardfish, Spock's Bread, The Mars Volta, Pendragon and Ayreon. But ironically this album that I gonna present to you is not from any of those bands. This is what I consider to be the greatest prog album of the last decade.

Birds and Buildings - Bantham To Behemoth (2008)

Whaaaaaaaaaaa... who the hell are these guys? Birds and Building are a pretty unknown band from Washington and in 2008 they release their debut album name Bantam to Behemoth which, the best way to describe it is... A Progressive Jazz Metal Fusion Symphonic Masterpiece, yea these guys are pretty big. And this album is even bigger.

I consider this the best modern prog rock album, because it combines so many genres so well, it shifts between Skillfully Jazz to Kick ass Metal to Progressive streaming passages to sentimental symphonic moments and to odd imaginative scenarios, everything I could ask for, and its also conceptual, well at least musically, lyrically aaaaaa I'm not sure.

Now a brief description of the Album tracks

1.- Birds Flying Into Buildings (9:12)

This is a fast pace, balls to the wall symphony, when I listened to this song for the first time I couldn't believe how well Jazz and Metal could go together. The Sax in this song is on fire, really is brutal, is even more brutal than the guitar, and the keyboards are skillfully perfect, an excellent introduction to this masterpiece.

2.- Terra Fire (3:33)

It stars like a calm reflexive ballad and turns in to a Hard Rock Progressive rush, it would have been an excellent single.

3.- Tunguska (6:33)

This one, as the last one stars really calm, some keyboards patters repeat from the first song, after that it turns in to a well structure progressive allegory with a lot of King Crimson influences.

4.- Caution Congregates and Forms a Storm (10:51)

Ok these three next songs, are just the greatest composed paces of music that I have heard in this lasts years, these three are definitely the highlight of the album.

Caution Congregates... stars as this beautiful melancholic symphony that stars to cheer up in a more reflexive note and suddenly jumps into this Eclectic Prog scenario but without leaving the symphonic fell behind, the songs stars to get a little bit darker and darker in to transforming in to this Progressive Jazz Metal passage, culminating in a redeeming guitar solo and piano passage. After that, a really nice acoustic moment and the song ends with a really reflexive passage created by the Bass, Piano, Flute and Synthesizer.

5.- Chronicle of The Invisible River of Stone (9:17)

Following up, almost starting with the same notes, begins Chronicle... it quickly creates a  peaceful and mysterious atmosphere followed up by a beautiful female singing, after that, a brief Eclectic jump and the singing returns. And when the singing is over, then reflexion materialized into music, that's it, there's not other way I could describe it.

6.- Yucatan 65: The Agitation of The Mass (10:38)

Yucatan stars with this awesome acoustic introduction jumping to a dark arabic movement very well written jumping into acoustic, eclectic and symphonic it's just beautiful, all the pieces fit perfectly, the feelings to: Reflexive into Anger into happiness into more Reflexion. The song, then constructs this wonderful unison between the guitar and the keyboards culminating in an awesome kick ass riff accompanied with a keyboard solo.

7.- Chakra Khan (5:57)

Very aggressive and dark, an angry metal eclectic jazzy adrenaline party.

8.- Batallion (9:57)

You can call it the climax of the album, stars with a really fast paced bizarre singing, jumps quickly in a Jazz movement with a lot of parts from the first song and chronicles. The quick singing returns and then everything culminates in this large passage jumping in to eclectic, melancholic, symphonic, heavy metal, orchestral, reflexive, progressive, everything just goes crazy.

9.- Sunken City, Sunny Day (3:23)

A calm atmospheric acoustic epilogue for this album.

If you wanna know more about them here, you should really check them out:



So, please check this album and comment what was your favourite prog album of this past decade.

This is the opening track of the album

well that's all, see ya.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Top Gear Mexico Scandal From a Mexican Point of View

I'm from Mexico, I don't believe in patriotism, thus I am not either proud or a shame of my country. Because countries are just spaces of land and that's pretty much it. You live in this space of this land and I live in this space of this land and that's it. Regarding of the independent culture of every country, well sure every country has their own culture and traditions but that doesn't makes us a different race of people, we all are humans, we all are sometimes shitty people,  we all are sometimes good people, we all are sometimes loving people regarding what fucking nationality we are. We all are from the same race and we all pretty much live in this same space that is divided into lands.

We live in a big world, thus there are a lot of countries with a lot of cultures, and just with this is enough for stereotypes to rise.  I don't hate stereotypes because they really not worth hating. Stereotypes are just simple satirical cartoonish jokes... and that's it, they are just a work of satire, and satire is what makes this cynical world so beautiful, and if there's someone who doesn't love satire... well then those people really are missing a lot and don't appreciate this weird ugly/beautiful world for how it really is.

As we all know, Top Gear a British TV Show, made racist and stereotypical jokes about the mexican culture, and that really cause a great controversy. But what many of us (mexicans) didn't knew at the time, is that, this is the type of humor that this guys like to roll with it. They love universal satire, they had may fun of Germans, Romanians, Homosexual people, Mental people, the British Prime Minister even their own fans.

And now it was our turn. In my personal point of view about the video, i really didn't care, i though some of those jokes were funny, but i really didn't care, because let's face it, this country, our country, our piece of land is falling apart, this country is falling deeper and deeper in the shit we have created and we must accept it. 2010 was the most violent year in Mexico's history since the fucking revolution back in 1910.

So yea, my country is in a really shitty situation right now, we must accept it and at least try to do something about it, at least try to make Mexico a little safer and peaceful place. But what do we do instead: we defend our fucking pride.


Inside this country are mexicans killing mexicans and not one single mexican does anything about it. Uffff but if a foreign  just makes a satirical commentary about our culture, uffff we want his fucking head. What the fuck is wrong with us? Our country is falling apart and we are concerning for what a bunch of british hosts said about the mexican culture.

But this is the interesting and funny aspect about most of us. We love to say shit about our country, we love to say shit about ourselves, we even love to stereotype ourselves. I love to say stereotypical jokes about my country and so as my friends, and so as most of the people in here.

If a Mexican throes shit to Mexico, is OK, is fine. But if a foreign says exactly what another mexican said about his culture, we most kick his sorry ass.  That is just how it is, is sad, sad but true.

Which is ironic because we love satire, we love stereotypes, we love to make fun of other people, other countries, other cultures we love racist humor.

So yea, honestly, is ridiculous seen so many people whining and whining about this kind of humor when we love it to. We must stop whining about what other people says and start caring about our own situation and forget pride, forget that shit, pride is useless such as dumb patriotism, if you really love your country, you will do anything possible to make it a better place that is real love for you country.  Instead of whining of what other people said because it hurt our pride, when we have some much more important shit to deal with.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

When American Film Dies, TV Series Will Rise

9:52 Posted by EmanuelOBHT , , , , , 1 comment
By Emanuel Vasconcelos

I decided to make my first post ever about a topic that I have been witnessing for the last couple of generations, the phenomenon of modern american TV Series and the decay of modern hollywood. As we all know Hollywood has suffer a  tremendous lack of imagination and originality for the last couple of years, but now this has gone to the extreme. Literally almost everything Hollywood produces nowadays are sequels, remakes, TV series adaptations, books adaptations, comic books adaptation and even video games adaptations, everything must be base on something else specially in Hollywood Blockbusters.

[caption id="attachment_18" align="alignnone" width="192"] the horror... the horror[/caption]

Only few directors try new and original things such as Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, Darren Arononfsky, The Coen Brothers and a few others, this guys are the only ones that make Hollywood still respectable in this horrible times.

[caption id="attachment_19" align="alignnone" width="300"] No oscar nomination? and this is how they thank you?[/caption]

The lack of new stories is not what scares me, but the lack of quality in the story-telling is depressing, THE QUALITY, that's the problem. It seems like Hollywood doesn't know how to create or tell stories anymore, fuck it, hollywood is not even interested in creating stories anymore. My point is that the quality of writing is almost dead in this business, story doesn't matter in this business...which is sad because after all, a movie is nothing more than an expensive story.

Well yea Hollywood is in decay... blah...blah...blah, yes we all know that. And I will not talk about that anymore, what I will talk about now is the sudden rise of extremely well develop American TV Drama Series in the last couple of years , technically a new phenomenon. TV Dramas with better stories, better dialogues, better story-telling and better acting than many Motion Pictures, isn't that one of the most bizarre things ever? Imagine that you are living in the Golden Age of Hollywood and somebody says that in the future TV Shows will have better quality than hollywood films, is like if somebody says today, that in the future independent mini-games like Plants VS Zombies or AngryBirds will have better quality than console games like GTA, Metal Gear, Halo or Call Of Duty; it seems highly improbable, but the future will always be a mystery.

I will divide this blog in 3 segments: TV Dramas that are now classics, Modern TV Comedies and TV Drama Series right now.

TV Drama Series that are now classics

I don't know who started this movement, it definitely started in the 90's but I don't know what series did this remarkable jump, my two bets are either Twin Peaks or The Sopranos.  But because Twin Peaks has like a soup opera feeling I will put The Sopranos on top.

[caption id="attachment_5" align="alignnone" width="300"] For me, they started this[/caption]

So yea, im sure that im not the only one that says The Sopranos were the first succesful TV Drama Series that started everything. It was smart, it was entertaining, it was a little bizarre, it had one of the greatest cast and characters ever, it had terrific dialogue, it was original and it is the perfect example of a TV Drama Series, since then HBO had produced numerous succesful and well develop (and nearly perfect) dramas like Six Feet Under, The Wire, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire. And lets not forget the really first Drama that HBO produced Oz, which in my opinion, is one of the most underrated TV Series of all time. I could just talk about HBO all the rest of the blog but I will also look at other genres.

Science Fiction and TV have always work well together since The Twilight Zone, Dr.Who, Star Trek, The X Files, but what about more modern times, well we only have the most enigmatic series of all time: Lost

[caption id="attachment_6" align="alignnone" width="300"] Not just a TV Series it also a TV Puzzle[/caption]

Mysteries, Metaphors, Philosophical Questions, Religious Themes, bottom line Lost has the most complex and large mythology ever in a TV Series and that's what makes it immortal.

[caption id="attachment_7" align="alignnone" width="275"] Life On Mars[/caption]

I know is not an american tv series but is still worth mentioning inside the science fiction genre. Life On Mars is the greatest merge between science fiction and police thriller, if you like either of this two genres you should check it out because, is simply one of the best series of this last decade.

TV Dramas have evolve not only in the development of characters but also in the innovation of story-telling and a perfect example of this, is the now classic political thriller 24.

[caption id="attachment_17" align="alignnone" width="300"] TV Series in real-time, bitch[/caption]

Modern TV Comedies

Moving on with, the comedies, .........oh my god, here in comedies is where you really draw the line between the quality of a comedy show and a comedy movie.

[caption id="attachment_8" align="alignnone" width="211"] For me, the most innovative comedy sitcom of this generation[/caption]

I hate comedy movies, specially the new ones; I love comedy shows, specially the new ones. Is amazing how good, funny and smart some modern comedy series are, just like: The Office, Two & Half Man, Malcolm In The Middle, The Big Bang Theory, and my new favorite Modern Family. And how horrible and disgusting the new comedy films are: All those fucking god-forbbiden films that ends with Movie,  everything with Adam Sandler, every American Pie, everything about Dogs. It's incredible how this people have so good comedy in a Tv and so insulting comedy in a Movie Theater.  And if you don't believe me just watch the Little Fockers and then watch 2 or even 1 episode of Modern Family and just tell me were you laugh the most.

[caption id="attachment_9" align="alignnone" width="300"] Ha! that's what I thought[/caption]

TV Drama Series Right Now

Now at last, lets take a look at a few of the most recent and succesful TV Dramas  right now, Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire. This series are as stylish as hollywood was in its golden era.

[caption id="attachment_11" align="alignnone" width="300"] See what I mean?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_12" align="alignnone" width="300"] See what I mean?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_13" align="alignnone" width="300"] See what I... oh well, let's make an exception[/caption]

But seriously, just take a look at this three series that I just mentioned, and you will see so clearly, how the quality of writing, character development and story-telling in a Drama Series has surpass modern american cinema, but why is it?

Why TV Series today have become so much powerful and better than Hollywood, why TV Series have evolve some much and Hollywood doesn't? Well, is a really easy question to answer.

Because Hollywood doesn't need to evolve, Hollywood doesn't need to take risks, Hollywood doesn't need to try new things,  because they know they can sell you the same story over and over again disguise as a sequel, a remake, a reboot an adaptation and you will accept it. That's why the quality in story in Hollywood Films have stayed so low for such a long time, that now, TV Series have finally surpass it.

TV Drama Series in the other hand, are new, they need to try new thing if they wanna succeed, they need to have great characters in order to involve them with great stories in a large period of time. Maybe this sounds like a disadvantage for the creators of TV Series but is actually an advantage in terms of story-telling, you have a better chance for develop your characters in a long period of time and try numerous thing with them, you also have a better chance for developing your setting and expand it more and more as the series progress, and the best of all ,if you had great characters then you have given your audience characters that they have expended time with, characters that they have seen grow and evolve in the lapse of time, characters that they love or are really interested about, that they have been following them for years (or maybe decades) and that is the truly powerful aspect of a TV Series, something that a movie will never achieve.

And just for finish this blog I gave you the greatest series finale of one of the greatest series of all time.

Well that was my first blog, thanks for reading and please comment if you like it or not. Well see'ya.