Amor Fati is an attitude in which one sees all the events of one 's life including pain, frustration and suffering as good things. I stumble upon this way of thinking several months ago, I was going throught a Nietzche-Stage at the time.
So yeah, I remember that I read about this school of thought or attitude if you wanna call it like that, and I thought it was just the most wise thing I had ever read in my life, and I'm still thinking that, I mean the concept of just accepting your existence and embrace whatever may come to you is such a powerful idea.
Enjoy, experience, observe, learn and most importantly embrace what has happened to you, because it has happened to you, existence is a really mysterious thing and you don't know if it's going to repeat itself, you don't know when it's going to end, and you don't know what will happen after that, so you might as well enjoy what's going on.
As Manny Calavera once said:
[caption id="attachment_137" align="alignnone" width="300" caption=""You know, sweetheart, if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: nobody knows what's gonna happen at the end of the line, so you might as well enjoy the trip.""]
But now it comes the other side of the coin, there have been many people who criticize the idea of Amor Fati by saying is just another justification for conformity.
Ok, I agree that the idea itself draws from a really conformist point of view, but I think many people misunderstood the concept.
Is not about just accepting what has happen and that's it, it's about accepting what has happen to you and moving on.
Get it MOVING ON, something happen to you, you accept it, and you move on, you don't stay in this stationary stage that conformity is all about, because you move on to the "okay what will happen next".
As Church from Red Vs Blue once said
[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="206" caption=""You know what Caboose, I learn something: It doesn't matter how bad things may seem, they can't be any better, they can't be any worse, because that's the way things fucking are, so you better get used to it Nancy, Quit your bitching""]
Wow can you belive that I'm actually pulling out deep philosophical and realistic quotes from video games and machinima series?, I guess true art and philosophy have really change this few years.
I know that there's so many people who have live so many tragedies, that are living in so much suffering, yes I know the world is not fair, but once again who said it such be?
If you have lived a really horrible event of your life and you're thinking this is all bullshit, that's complete fine, If I was in your shoes I think I would also think that, but if you decide to embrace this attitude, you'll become really strong and just another think, always remember: Life is too fucking short and on top of that time fucking flies.
I think that the only way that Amor Fati could work at it's best potential is if you have make a plan. We all have a goal, a dream, a plan, a duty or whatever you may wanna call it. It doesn't have to be specific, it can be as vague and as abrstract as you want (I think it works better in this way) You have to set a finishing point, you have to set a direction to where are you going, so you can start you trip, and in that trip, whatever happens to you, is going to be fine, if you encounter a wall, tear it down, if you can't, maybe you can find another way, if you can't either maybe you can change you direction completely, do what everything you want, the point is to keep moving and accept what happens to you while you move.
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