[caption id="attachment_79" align="alignnone" width="300" caption=""The Mikes""]
And a part of myself feels that they really needed this change, I mean, let's face it, DT was completely stuck in this last few albums, Systematic Chaos, I personally didn't like it, I mean it was OK, but just OK, and c'mon this is Dream Theater you expect more than just another OK album. The follow-up was Black Clouds & Silver Linings, the first time that I listen to it, I thought it was really Great, but then, I listen to it a few more times, and I realize that ... it was just another OK album xD.
I mean, "A Nightmare To Remember", was OK, especially the slow harmonic part, but my GOD, why does Portnoy have to sing?, his singing really didn't bother me before, but in this song, is completely horrible "Day after day and Night after night..." WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT?,
so yea, in conclusion, it is just another OK DT song.
"A Rite Of Passage" didn't like it, the lyrics are horrible, and Petrucci's guitar is surprisingly forgettable. "Wither" Great Song. "The Best Of Times" cool song, a little repetitive, but cool after all. "The Shattered Fortress"... I really don't know what to think about this song, is just all the other AA Suite Songs putted together and that's it. "The Count Of Tuscany" really cool epic, especially the beginning and the end, but I really didn't like the middle part or the lyrics, but the instrumental section is really cool.
So yea... an OK album.
At that moment, I was really convinced that, DT was never going to release another huge masterpiece like I&W or Scenes, and then I finally realize: "They don't need to make a new masterpiece, they are already at the top of the world, they no longer need to prove anything to anyone so, I guess, they are going to continue making some cool solid music (OK albums), until they retire... I mean that's OK... why not?"
But then Portnoy left, DT was completely upside down, so many people died, and they had to start from the beginning all over again. Dream Theater "The Gods Of Progressive Metal" were in a real crisis.
But they have found a new cool drummer, and already finishing the new album (I hope, I mean is already May and they have not made any kind of anouncement). And I don't know, I have a really good feeling about this album, I think is really possible, that they're going to realize that "huge masterpiece" that I thought it was never gonna happen. You maybe think that I'm exaggerating, but if I have learned something from DT, is that they work at its maximum potential when they are going trough a crisis.
Just look at what they did after they let Dominici go, and after their first album wasn't so succesful
And just look at what they did after they let Derek go, and after having so much trouble with their old producers and record labels, and after releasing their worst album and after having suffer so many shitty years performing in clubs.
So yeah two of the greatest progressive rock/metal albums of all time, EAT THAT SCKEPTICS.
So let's hope history repeats itself.
It's funny because I never thought that Portnoy was ever going to leave DT EVER, if I had to number which members I thought were going to leave DT in the future, would have been:
1) First Labrie,
2) Then Myung,
3) Then Rudess,
4) Then Petrucci,
5) And at last Portnoy
But just look at that, the future is a complete mystery.
So that's all, thanks for reading, and post your list of " Chronologically: Who members would you have thought were going to leave DT in the future"
Be Seeing You
It's interesting that they're recording this new album at the same studio where they recorded one of my favs and definitely one of their heaviest offerings to date ........ namely Train of Thought.