martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

On the importance (or lack of it) of starting something the right way.

12:56 Posted by EmanuelOBHT , , , , , , , , No comments
I think it's impossible to determine what moment is a good moment to start doing something.

What is the appropriate moment to become enrolled in something? what is the appropriate moment to start a habit? or to leave one?

It's truly rare to find a moment which you could interpret as the absolute moment in which you should start doing something, and  if you ever find that so-called perfect moment chances are that you should have started a long time before that. But the idea that always governs me is the idea of having a good start, becoming almost a obsetion. I've always been a firm follower of the belief that if something starts the wrong way, it will never be able to become something good.

But now, I ask myself: is a good start really all that necessary?

I guess is helpful and motivational, but is it really the great denominator that's going predict the fate of an endeavour?

I guess sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.

It only is, if you take good starts too seriously to begin with, if you don't care about them, chances are that they're not going to affect you in any significant way. Is it just another idea that we just take for grant it without actually thinking about it?

For example, in my case, playing guitar, writing and learning languages, all of them are stuff that I've become progressively good as the years go by, buy I don't have the finest idea of how it all got started. I don't remember what was the first chords or the first song that I played, I don't remember what was the first foreign word I learned and I don't remember what was the first thing I wrote in order to express something deep inside.

But most importantly, I don't remember if any of them were either good or bad experiences, I have no idea. I just kept doing those things till this day without the finest idea of how I actually started. Fact that leads me now to believe that: the way you start doesn't hold any particular significance if you just keep going, chances are that as you go by you won't even remember how it all got started anyways and if you do, it's probable that that initial reaction has fade away and holds no effect on you anymore...

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