jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Teaching You Spanish (Pilot Episode)

I've been wrtiting about languages and language learning for quite a time, discussing different methods, approaches and theories but I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to also help you learn a language in a more direct way: teaching you, and the best language that I have to offer is Spanish since it's my mother language.

Wheter we like it or not (and believe me, I'm not the greatest fan of Spanish), Spanish is of vital importance in today's world, if you're American I would say that is almost mandatory for you to learn Spanish. Almost your entire continent speaks this language and a good chunk of your country to. I guess that it's the first language that you should learn if you're from there.

So I created this first episode, it follows a methodoly similar to the Pimsleur method, which I consider to be the best method for beginners, but I will try to create more realistic or useful situations that you may encounter while travelling to a Spanish speaking country. This series is aimed for eveyone who wants to know the functional aspects that you have to use in a normal Spanish conversation. The Spanish that I will be teaching is Mexican Spanish, and the situations are mainly settled in Mexico, hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think.

[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/103586277" params="" width=" 100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

3 comentarios:

  1. ¿Porqué dices que no te gusta el idioma español?

    Muy interesante en todo caso

  2. excellent lesson, Emanuel! A great introduction into what I hope is a long series of podcasts? I've always thought Pimsleur could be much improved by introducing more practical and realistic situations just as you've presented here. Have you thought about trying a pilot episode using a Michel Thomas styled approach? I think the MT is effective but the use of non natives put me off using it.
