These new films that Marvel has released (Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk) are actually good, decent films. I mean the characters are well-developed and also they are incredibly well adapted to the big screen, the films are entertaining and you can really relate to these heroes. The only downside for me are the villains, non of these movies have great or memorable villains, just Ok villains. But despite of that, Marvel has managed to release good solid movie after another in a short period of time without any of them been disappointing. And let me tell you, the success that they are having right now is not a lucky streak, the success that they are having right now is the results of pure trial and error.
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Starting with X Men in 2000, they have been releasing films for the last 12 years and in this last 4 it seems that they have finally manage to make all their films solid, good and constant culminating with The Avengers.
And what about DC? well... Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy was enough to battle all these Marvel superheroes films alone, but now it's over, The Man of Steel is the next in line, but c'mon, Superman can't battle alone The Avengers as Batman did. Batman is frozen now, Superman alone and DC is pretty much screwed.
But now let's think this trough Ok? After all those films that Marvel has released, hero film after hero film for this last decade. I'm afraid that there's no room for DC heroes anymore and from now on DC heroes are pretty screwed in the art of cinema.
And these are my reasons why DC heroes are destined to fail in film from now on:
1) Marvel already owns the superhero film genre, which is something that they have been exploiting for the last ten years; that I'm afraid that real soon people will start to get a little bit tired of superhero films, specially films that introduce a new hero right from the beginning; so right now is a little too late to start releasing films about all the super heroes that you have.
2) And most importantly. With the exception of Batman, DC heroes do not work as well in the big screen as Marvel heroes, and this is the reason why: DC heroes are not as relatable to the audience as Marvel heroes are. Contrary to DC heroes, Marvel heroes are charismatic but the most important thing about them is that, it's really easy to relate to them (Spider Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Wolverine, even villains like Magneto) everybody can relate with at least one of them in some kind of way. Almost any teenager can relate to Spider-Man specially nerdy boys, I'm sure that you know someone who behaves like Tony Stark and really relates to him. Anyone who considers himself a social recluse can relate to any of the X-Men or to Hulk. And this happens because Marvel heroes are imperfect, they have flaws which show their human side (even if they're mutants or something) that's what makes them relatable and that's what audiences want.
DC heroes on the other hand, they're not really that relatable and some of them are just too perfect that you can even consider them demi-Gods, honestly can anyone relate to Superman? or Green Latern? or Aquaman? or Martian Manhunter? No (well maybe some of you can) but my point is that those heroes just don't have that same effect and they will not be that interesting in the big screen to watch. And that's why I think that in an enviroment where Marvel's imperfect and charismatic heroes rule, there's no room for DC superheroes and they are basically destined to fail.
So I don't know what the hell is DC going to do now, a rushed Justice League film is destined to fail and we all know that.
There's only one thing that I know DC could do, to completely kick Marvel in the balls and reinvent the whole comic book film genre forever. I will summarize this in just one word ... Vertigo...
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