sábado, 31 de marzo de 2012

Learning Languges: Do I need to learn grammar?

When you start investigating  methods of how to teach languages, you will soon find out that, there are these two opposite methods, these two opposite methods that are always in conflict with one an other, which are those methods?, well there’s the method that wants to teach almost the entire language as if it was a really theoretical science with a bunch of rules and with a bunch of grammatical equations like physics or like chemistry. We will call this the Conservative method, and there’s this other method way more liberal, that say’s the hell with rules, the hell with grammar,  just listen to the language, you will eventually know how to speak it, you will eventually know how to read it and all the grammar that it has, you'll learn naturally because that’s  the way that you learned you mother language. Let’s call this the Liberal Method.

And, you know, these methods are right and wrong at the same time, what these two methods don’t realize is that they’re both complementary to each other. Learning the language just with a bunch of rules, with a lot of vocabulary without context, you know, learning it as a really strict science, is not effective, if you just learn the language theoretically you will fail at the moment that you start a conversation, because you don’t really know how people actually speak, you don’t know their common day expressions you don’t know the rhythm of a conversation , and besides of that, the Conservative Method is a truly boring method you will never learn to completely speak a language if you learn it as a science, you can apply this method in the really advance stages of your learning, but do not start with learning every single grammatical rule, there are important rules that you should know right from the beginning, but do not focus in the more advance rules at the beginning of your learning, focus on the simple ones.

And there’s this other method that says, screw grammar, you don’t need it, you don’t need it at the early stages just listen to the language, you will eventually know how to speak it, you will eventually know how to read it and all the grammar that it has, you'll learn naturally because that’s  the way that you learned your mother language.

Yeah is not as simple as that, you need grammar, simple grammar, the simplest grammar ever, but you need grammar,  once that you’re familiar with the really really basic grammar you can procede to the 4 stages which are: Listen, Speak, Read, Write.

Now the great objection that this method has against grammar is the following: You don’t need grammar, because when you were a little baby you naturally learn how to speak your mother language without grammar or without rules, just listen and speak, and that’s how you will learn any other language.

You know that is actually true, except for the final part, “and that’s how you will learn any other language” mmm not exactly, you learned you mother language that way, because you were in the adequate environment to learn it. Every person that you were in contact with, spoke that language, you were listening to that language all the time, you we’re in contact with that language 24/7, and that language was the only way to truly communicate with other people.

Now that I’ve said that, the Liberal Method might actually work if you, for example I’m learning French right now, and the Liberal Method might work for me if I go to France or to Belgium and I stay there for maybe 6 months or a year. I’m sure that if I do that, the Liberal Method will work, I’m going to be in contact with French all the time, I’ll be listening to francophone people all the time and I’ll eventually know how to speak it fluently, I’ll eventually know how to read it, and how to write it. But my point is that you need to be in an environment where you will be in contact with that language all the time.  And if you don’t have this environment you will not learn a language by this method, or maybe you will but it’ll take you decades or even more.

But there is something that it’s absolutely correct about this method, this method strongly encourages you to listen to the language. And that’s the most important thing that you have to do when you’re learning a new language, listen to that language.  You need to listen to that language a lot. Because a the end of the day, a language is an spoken way of communication, you can also write it, of course, but  what is the most common way of communication that you use in your daily life, spoken communication,  you speak with people, that’s the most common way to communicate, and what do you need to speak with people? Know how to speak their language , and how will you learn how to speak, their language?, you listen to that language!

So with that little rant that I just made, you’re probably wandering: okay, but, what’s your point? , which one of these methods is the correct method?

I think that the correct method is the combination of these two methods, why do I think that? Because that was the way that I learned English, with these two methods combine.

You see I listen to a lot of English, because all of the English speaking media  that was around my country: all the video games, all the music, all the films, all the TV, and I learn English grammar in school and that’s it. The grammar that I learn in school was grammar that I could’ve easily learned in just one year. It was simple grammar, but that simple grammar made me understand a lot of English. So your question is why do I need grammar? Because if you study the common grammar of the language, you’ll learn that language so much faster, you will understand it so much faster, you will save years of learning with the Liberal Method if you just stop for a second, and you know, check out the common grammar of that language, and if you apply this two methods together you will learn a language in a fast and effective way.

And for that reason, I created a Language Learning page on this blog, where I'm going to put useful stuff for learning languages and also, try to develop my own teaching/learning method.

Thanks for reading :)

Eklegein Pt.2: La Primera Filosofia

La Primera Filosofia

Al prinicipio solo existia, existe y existira el Caos, el comienzo, el pasado, el presente y el futuro de todo, el Caos existio, ha existido y siempre existira, nosotros somos los hijos del Caos y mediante el Caos, descubrimos nuestra razon de ser.
Somos sus habitantes y deberiamos de agradecerle, el creo todo lo que vemos, todo lo que sentimos, le debemos nuestra vida, aunque pagarselo sea imposible, imposible tal vez no sea alcanzar lo inalcazable.
El Caos existe pero no es lo unico que existe, no es lo unico en nuestra realidad, algo nacio del caos, una nueva fuerza que descendio de el ,su mas grande progenitor, la hija directa y la madre directa de todo.
Con el nacimiento de la naturaleza, patrones empezaron a emerger, viviendo en un mundo caotico. La amalgacion entre naturaleza y caos creo el mundo y la realidad en la que vivimos.
La amalgacion de la naturaleza y el caos creo la vida.
Fue en esta amalgacion impotente y trascendental en donde la tercera y ultima fuerza nacio, los bastardos de la naturaleza y el caos surguimos, fue aqui en donde Luca nacio.

El naciemiento de la vida debio de haber sido un proceso demasiado gracioso y demasiado anti-ortodoxo para las cosas que se veian en ese tiempo, el nacimiento de organismos capaz de recraerse asi mismos, habitar e interactuar con este mundo creado. Capaces de interactuar con la naturaleza que los creo y con el Caos en el que viven. El proposito de vivir es vivir, eso era algo que los primeros portadores de vida entendian bien, y para vivir necesitaban sobrevivir. Y la mejor manera de hacer esto, era mediante el simple y hermoso instinto de supervivencia, y aquel que lo supiese usar mejor iba a vivir mejor y mas. Pero ellos tambien sabian, que vivir no era suficiente, tambien tenian que trascender. El enemigo mas grande de los seres humanos o mejor dicho, de todas las especies vivas, es el tiempo, el tiempo es la muerte.
Los primeros organismos sabian esto, tenian que derrotar su tiempo de alguna forma, dejar su huella en el mundo que habitaron antes de que fuera demasiado tarde, de alguna manera pasar algo de ellos mismos hacia la siguiente generacion que cada vez esta mas cerca. Y es ahi, donde ellos tuvieron la brillante idea de la reproduccion y con eso, aseguraban su inmortalidad para las siguientes generaciones por venir, con eso vencian a la muerte. Entonces, el esquema de la inmortalidad surgio porfin, este esquema era sencillo y solo consistia en 4 pasos: Nacer, Sobervivir, Reproducirse y Morir, ese era el esquema para su inmortalidad. Y con eso nuestros microscopicos ancestros habian creado toda esta sabia filosofia, habian desarrollado todo este conocimiento simplemente mediante el insitnto de sobrevivir, esta fue realmente la Primera Filosofia.

Eklegein Pt.1: Las 2 Maneras de Vivir la VIda


Eklegein es el proceso de la lluvia que he creado consciente y subconscientemente, un manifesto el cual me ayudara o me hara todo mas dificil, buscando la constante a la que me aferro, no es mi unica manera, hay miles, esto me liberara o me destruira, si es que hay alguna diferencia, los meteoros que caeran han estado flotando es este espacio por mucho tiempo y es hora de impacten en mi tabula rasa, lo que realizare es un pequeño experimento de perspectiva, todos concordaran conmigo, nadie concordara conmigo, pero no importa, lo que me he asignado va mas alla de mi o ellos, lo que me asignado va hacia mi o ellos, por que solo hay dos maneras en que alguien pueda vivir una existencia. Vivir para nosotros mismos, o para la vida y lo demas. Esa es la decision que tomamos aqui. Que al final de los dias concluiras que esas dos se unifican en el proceso mas fundamental e imaginable. De cualquier manera que se eliga vivir, se debe de hacer en su posible totalidad, ya que si no vivimos una posible totalidad aqui, puede que jamas la podamos vivir, o tal vez simplemente debamos seguir esa totatilidad sin la mas minima idea si podemos alcanzarla o no, la pregunta eterna con la respuesta infinita, la colision de esa pregunta y esa respuesta es lo que llamo vida.