So, I don't know what's the deal with us Generation Y, we are really some strange fuckers, I mean yea we are cool we have technology we know how to use this gigantic web of communication, but that's pretty much it, our only value, our only characteristic is in a really superficial way, we have the greatest communication tool ever develop by mankind, and we use it to check our status on Facebook. Really that's all we do.

Just check this out:
The Silent Generation, well they were really ignorant but they survive a lot of stuff and they went through a lot, they were loyal and they stick to their principals, that could be annoying for some people, but for me is admirable.
[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignnone" width="236"]
Boy, they look like they're having fun[/caption]
Baby Boomers, they just live some of the greatest revolutions of modern mankind, had the greatest music ever, watched the man land on the moon (okay I don't wanna get in any controversy here, whether we did or we did not land on the moon that day I personally don't care, I just figure that it must had been really cool and exciting watching that on Tv with your friends and family... I guess is better than watching two giants buildings been completely destroyed). Most of the Baby Boomers we know are our parents, my parents are like really responsable and conservative now, but they seem to had a real blast when they were young back in the day.
[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Then it came Generation X, you know, they were cool, or at least they tried to, naaaaaah just kidding, yes they were really cool and very independent, they really didn't care about world ideals or anything, they just live for themselves and the ones close to them, and that's really admirable to, I wish I could do that, free and independent.
[caption id="attachment_127" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Okay, you all know that is impossible to talk about Gen X without mentioning Friends so here it is[/caption]
So then we, Generation Y appeared, and we are... I don't know, by my experience I don't know how to define our attitudes, I guess we are just... regular whinning teenagers with technology, and that's pretty much it.
[caption id="attachment_128" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Okay, you all know that is impossible to talk about Gen Y without mentioning Facebook so here it is, man... this is truly the most representative thing that I could find about us[/caption]
I guess we try to be like Gen X, we try to be like free and independent but we fail miserably. I don't know anybody from 20 to 25 who lives alone and by himself, everybody still lives with their parents, and I don't know anybody from that same age who works in a job that he got by himself alone without any help from his parents or another adult person. I really didn't knew how to stereotypically define us, so I look up on the internet to see how was our stereotype or what is expected from us.
And oh boy, did I find our stereotype, here it is:
[caption id="attachment_120" align="alignnone" width="228"]
tataaaaaaa...... wait a minute, WHAT THE HELL?[/caption]
Yes, that's how they see us, I'm not kidding, future young Messiah's of the world, I was really amazed by the overwhelming optimism that society has on us, we are like this new wave of idealistic social revolution for them. I was really amazed by that because I really didn't expect it. I thought than when I type the words Generation Y on Google, it was just going to appear what good 'ol Spider Jerusalem describes as the New Scum.
[caption id="attachment_123" align="alignnone" width="194"]
"These are the new streets of this city, where the New Scum try to live. You and me"[/caption]
But no, we are like the complete opposite of that, I just can't believe it. They expect that we will bring this new ideal to the world, that we will create the definitive ideal society that will change everything. Entrepeneur fuckers that will lead the way.
I don't know, I'm really skeptical about this, I mean of course technology, business, media communications and all that changes trough out the years, but the world is pretty much the same, not because you use more technology than you grandfather it means that you are smarter or better than him, its stupid, Technology doesn't change people's attitudes, it just changes a few aspects of how they live and that's all.
Maybe that idealistic revolution will happen, it's really probable, but I don't see it happening right now, it will take years for that to happen.
I mean, all my friends and all the people who I know are my age, they don't care about anything of that, they just want to live their lives and that's it, pretty much like Gen X, and you are telling me that we will bring this absolute new ideal that will change future generations... You know I really wanna think that but I just don't see it happening.
And what about Generation Z
[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Well let's see, 5 year olds already hook up with laptops... man that's some sad shit[/caption]
I'm sorry if I sound to pessimistic here, but what I'm really trying to say is that please don't be disappointed at the end of the day when it turns out that we really didn't do anything significant in our time.
Just check this out:
The Silent Generation, well they were really ignorant but they survive a lot of stuff and they went through a lot, they were loyal and they stick to their principals, that could be annoying for some people, but for me is admirable.
[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignnone" width="236"]
Baby Boomers, they just live some of the greatest revolutions of modern mankind, had the greatest music ever, watched the man land on the moon (okay I don't wanna get in any controversy here, whether we did or we did not land on the moon that day I personally don't care, I just figure that it must had been really cool and exciting watching that on Tv with your friends and family... I guess is better than watching two giants buildings been completely destroyed). Most of the Baby Boomers we know are our parents, my parents are like really responsable and conservative now, but they seem to had a real blast when they were young back in the day.
[caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Then it came Generation X, you know, they were cool, or at least they tried to, naaaaaah just kidding, yes they were really cool and very independent, they really didn't care about world ideals or anything, they just live for themselves and the ones close to them, and that's really admirable to, I wish I could do that, free and independent.
[caption id="attachment_127" align="alignnone" width="300"]
So then we, Generation Y appeared, and we are... I don't know, by my experience I don't know how to define our attitudes, I guess we are just... regular whinning teenagers with technology, and that's pretty much it.
[caption id="attachment_128" align="alignnone" width="300"]
I guess we try to be like Gen X, we try to be like free and independent but we fail miserably. I don't know anybody from 20 to 25 who lives alone and by himself, everybody still lives with their parents, and I don't know anybody from that same age who works in a job that he got by himself alone without any help from his parents or another adult person. I really didn't knew how to stereotypically define us, so I look up on the internet to see how was our stereotype or what is expected from us.
And oh boy, did I find our stereotype, here it is:
[caption id="attachment_120" align="alignnone" width="228"]
Yes, that's how they see us, I'm not kidding, future young Messiah's of the world, I was really amazed by the overwhelming optimism that society has on us, we are like this new wave of idealistic social revolution for them. I was really amazed by that because I really didn't expect it. I thought than when I type the words Generation Y on Google, it was just going to appear what good 'ol Spider Jerusalem describes as the New Scum.
[caption id="attachment_123" align="alignnone" width="194"]
But no, we are like the complete opposite of that, I just can't believe it. They expect that we will bring this new ideal to the world, that we will create the definitive ideal society that will change everything. Entrepeneur fuckers that will lead the way.
I don't know, I'm really skeptical about this, I mean of course technology, business, media communications and all that changes trough out the years, but the world is pretty much the same, not because you use more technology than you grandfather it means that you are smarter or better than him, its stupid, Technology doesn't change people's attitudes, it just changes a few aspects of how they live and that's all.
Maybe that idealistic revolution will happen, it's really probable, but I don't see it happening right now, it will take years for that to happen.
I mean, all my friends and all the people who I know are my age, they don't care about anything of that, they just want to live their lives and that's it, pretty much like Gen X, and you are telling me that we will bring this absolute new ideal that will change future generations... You know I really wanna think that but I just don't see it happening.
And what about Generation Z
[caption id="attachment_124" align="alignnone" width="300"]
I'm sorry if I sound to pessimistic here, but what I'm really trying to say is that please don't be disappointed at the end of the day when it turns out that we really didn't do anything significant in our time.